
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Build Free Traffic To Your Websites

I want to let you in on a few different ways to get free traffic to your web site. Marketing your web site is vastly different than marketing your "offline," brick-and-mortar business. Thank goodness! With offline marketing, you're actually pretty restricted to the city you live in at the least and the state you live in at the most (unless you fly a lot or like long drives!). The Internet and it's ways of marketing and selling have opened up a whole new world of opportunities. Not to say that offline marketing promotion is obsolete when it comes to your e-business. Flyers, business cards, word-of-mouth. All vital stuff still. It just doesn't carry as much weight as some of the ways to market your business on the Internet. You need to go where your world-wide customers are now and they are inside your computer. Here are a few ways that you can start building more traffic to your e-business. They are easy, free and make a huge difference.

1.) Email signatures - Use your email signature to your fullest advantage. Tag it with not only your name, of course, but your web site(s) that you are selling from. Be creative. Maybe add a short one or two line ad for a product or affiliate you work with and the link to make the conversion sale. Now, every time you send out an email, BAM! In their face advertising and you needn't have to say a word about it.

2.) Forums and message boards - Find and participate in message boards that have to do with the niche of your web site. You aren't the only one that enjoys what you do and there are a lot of people online talking about it. Get involved and let them get to know you, trust you and value your opinion. And, again, don't forget to add your web site URL to your signature. Not only will you get clicks from other posters and lurkers, but the search engines really eat it up. Chances are very good that if you make just a few posts here and there, you will see those posts listed on the search engines in no time at all.

3.) Web site SEO - SEO = Search engine optimization. This is a big DUH really, but make sure your web site is optimized with content that is filled with your keywords so you can rank well when people search on those keywords. You want people to find you, right? Do research into what keywords are going to be the highest ranking ones for your specific niche. A great tool that I use is called Search It! It is the only ecommerce-related search tool that you (and your visitors, readers, friends and colleagues) will ever need. Keep it open in the upper corner of their monitor, for 24/7 access and instant info-mining of the Web. This little tools high-spot are:

* Every search you could ever want, all in one spot

* Advanced searches pre-packaged

* Constantly being refreshed

* Most popular Search Categories are (in order)...

 Keyword Brainstorming

 Keyword Research

 Keyword Competition

 Reference Library For Content

Find Search It! right here:

4.) Exchanging links - A great way of getting traffic is by trading links with other Webmasters that are in some way associated with the subjects on your web site. You put their link on your site and they, in turn, return the favor. The more links to your web site that the search engines find, the more they see it as a very popular place and the higher your rankings will go. Additionally, you're going to be grabbing visitors who visit those other sites that are linked to you.

5.) Newsletters - Offer an opt-in newsletter to your visitors that include tips, tricks, information that they can't get on your site, etc. Include a free e-book or other things as a gift if they sign up. People love getting free things! When you write your newsletters, include advertising and links to some of your affiliate products. Once you have people signed up to your newsletter, you have repeat buyers that have agreed to be solicited to. A word of warning: make it opt-in so that they are asking for the newsletter. Do not send them unsolicited mail. You know how much you hate spam? They do too. But if they have opted-in (they can also opt-out at any time), they basically have opened their front door and invited you in. Building email lists is like finding a pot of gold. Do not skip this very important way of marketing your business. You may as well throw your money into the street if you do.

That should be more than enough to get your business started or continuing on a path to more traffic and more cash flow.

Here's to your success!


There is nothing more refreshing than getting large amounts of traffic pouring through your website(s) and doing it for FREE is just the icing on the cake!  Find out five vital steps you need to take to get that traffic and get those all important conversion clicks.


website traffic, online marketing, affiliate marketing programs

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

How to create a high traffic website

Ok, so your site is now live and you still haven't seen any traffic whatsoever to your website. Although getting your site in the search engines can be frustrating it is worth it. All you need is time, patience, and a little bit of preparation. Lets start of by talking about the meta tags. Although most major search engines don't look at the meta tags for keywords they magnify the title and description tags and base their entire categorization off of them. You will want to make certain that every page has both the title and description tags filled in and be sure to use you major keyword phrases in both the title and description. Every page in your website should have it's own unique title and descriptions.

When designing a site the first thing to always remember is to create the site for the user not for search engines, but as a disclaimer also be aware of proper search engine practices.

1. Content is king:

When developing a site keep in mind that search engines crawl sites for content. So your site has better chances of gaining more attention with mountains of original content.

2. Develop Strategic Relationships And Reciprocal Links:

Search engines rank a site by many methods but one of the most important pieces of criteria for any site is the number of websites that point back to it aka backlinks. Do you know of sites that are similar to yours but not a competitor? If so, you should contact the webmaster and see if they would be interested in exchanging links with you. Also you can join many free text link exchanges aka reciprocal links. Both of these methods will enhance your backlinks expediential, and since this is single handedly the most important part of receiving traffic you will want to take your time and do it correctly. Yet another way of achieving backlinks is through forums, and blogs. Join Email Discussion Groups, Forums, Ezines, And News Groups while placing your websites link in your signature can create a lot of attention and will also get spidered by the search engines. Although search engines are the ultimate goal with your back-linking you will be pleased to see traffic start rolling in from others sites that you have left links on.

It is believed by many that the major search engines use a tactic to prevent search spam called "sandboxing" this in short means a waiting period before they will index your site on their search engine. Although this is very controversial it is also one of the reasons why you need to find sites that are out of the "sandbox" who will link to you. Typically the sandboxing will last from 3 to 6 months.

4. Watch and wait, only make one change at a time:

Measure the Progress of your site and how much traffic is coming in, and whenever you make any changes be sure to make them one at a time. If you make to many changes at once you could be undoing all your hard work and efforts and find your website slipping in the engines. The key to this step is definitely patience.

5. Add Fresh Content Often:

It may not appear that the search engines are watching your site but they probably are. Some of the things they look for in a site as time goes on is the activity level of your site. If you developed a site 1 year ago and have not made a single update or even added a new page to the site it will start to fall in the search engine as other sites take your place. In reverse if you continually add new pages to your site this can help your site rise in rank replacing the stale sites. This doesn't mean that you need to add a new page every day but try this even once a month and you will be surprised at the results.

6. Telling the media that you have a site:

Press Releases can bring in very targeted interest to your site as well as creating backlinks for you throughout high traffic sites. When you are writing a Press Release do not spam them with a cheap article loaded with links, it will only get thrown out. The best way to write a press release is to find something interesting in your business that has never been addressed by other companies. Some examples topics would be: do you have an interesting or dangerous job, does your website offer something strange or unusual, have you uncovered a way to make life more time efficient, easier, or do you have a product or service that will save others money. If you focus your Press Release on these criteria and only make a short reference to your site with only one or two links max you will see other news sites pick up your story and you may even gain enough momentum and popularity that television, radio, and newspapers want to interview you.



So you have created a site, found hosting, and went through the motions to get your site live. You may have even submitted your site to all the major search engines but still no matter what you do you just cant seem to get any visitors to your site. Your halfway their but a few things are left to do, I will go into details showing you how turn your website into a traffic machine.


Internet Marketing, Get traffic, website traffic, website visitors, get visitors

What is AdSense?

AdSense is a wonderful advertising concept that was conceived by Google some time back. Though new advertising concepts keep coming up all the time, this one is something that is altogether different.

AdSense (Google’s advertising program) presents an earning opportunity to the website owners by allowing Google to post advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are either text advertisements or image based advertisements. Of course, the website owners need to enroll to the AdSense program through Google’s website (

Google AdSense program requires you (the website owner) to include a piece of code (a programming script) on your website. You can add this piece of code anywhere in the html code of your website i.e. depending on where you want to position the advertisements (however, there are certain rules that you must follow while pasting this scripting code). This piece of code is what determines the structure of advertisements and their content (and this is what helps Google in floating the advertisements on your website).

When people visit your website they are able to see these advertisements. Your earnings are based on how many Google Ads are displayed on your website and also based on how many times visitors to your website actually click on one of those Ads. The Google AdSense system calculates your revenue on per-click (CPC) and per-thousand-Ads-displayed (CPM) basis. The latter is also known as impressions.

For people who want to advertise their products and services through the Google AdSense system, it’s just a matter of signing up through Google Adwords program and letting Google know how much they want to spend towards advertising through Google AdSense. These businesses can specify the limit and Google AdSense system will accordingly serve their Ads so as to ensure that the specified limit is not crossed. Google AdSense increases the visibility of their business/ services and also increases traffic to their website; hence fulfilling their purpose of advertising.

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

Search Engine Optimization & Meta Tags

Every search engine uses it's own, very specific algorithm to index the websites. All major search engines keep updating their search algorithms quite frequently to give their searchers the best searching experience. Your website's place in the search result pages depends on it's calculation from the algorithm it follows. These algorithms are not changing everyday but are evolving into more intelligent and accurate. Yet, the major focus is on the Meta tags of the site.

These Meta tags are not visible when someone browses your web page but the search engines read these Meta tags alone and decide the place of a web page on its search result pages. It does so by finding the relevance of the Meta tags within them and with its contents. The most important Meta tags are the title, description and keywords. The first thing a search engine looks for is to find a relevance in these meta tags by looking at the keywords used in them and secondly it looks the relevance of the keywords used in these meta tags with the contents of the page.

The Title Tag

The title is the most important Meta tag of your website. This is the first thing shown on a web page and this is visible to both your visitor and most importantly to the search engine. That's why it has to be given the utmost importance while search engine optimization is the consideration.

It is always depicted on the left top bar of in the browser window. This tag should include the most relevant keyword about your business. If the most relevant keywords are used in here, your web site will sure get a boost in a search.

Most websites use their company name in the title which in fact, is not something desirable. Because, nobody usually searches for a company name unless it is very well known or some giant multinational.

The perfect title tags should be something between 10-70 characters. It is not so that one can not put a longer title but the search engine would ignore the longer part of the title.

The Title tag should be written for the visitors (people searching for your business or services) first and the search engines second. This should be such as to motivate a click and obviously to favor the search engine indexing too.

Different title tags should be assigned to each page of your website containing its own keywords that relate to that specific page.

Description tag

The description tag should be written in such way that it speaks about the website contents in just one or two sentences.

It should be short and clear that your visitors get a close idea about your site by reading this in a short time.

The description tag should be 100 to 200 characters long. The Meta description tag also has a great role in the SEO of your page. This tag displays the information at a search engine result page (SERP) after a search is performed by a user. So, this should be such as this puts the concise summary of your page. Most search engines truncate longer Description. Remember this while writing this tag.

Same as above every page should have a different description tag in accordance with the contents it holds. This tag has quite some effect on the ranking of your site in Search Engine results. The Search Engine will read your description tag and will check if the keywords or search terms match your title tag and content of your web site. My suggestion is to take the first sentence or two of the contents from your web page and use that for the Meta description content.

Include the most relevant sentences matching with the page contents in description tag instead of stuffing the tag with more keywords. Remember that the Meta Description Tag of a web page must not look just a bunch of keywords, but should contain an informative and concise summary of your web page.

Keywords Tag

The most heavily sought technique in Search Engine Optimization process is Keyword optimization. But at the same time if keywords are too often repeated, chances are that the site gets marked out as ""spam"". However, if your target keyword are not included enough, its ranking will not be optimized. So, with present algorithms which are really smart and intelligent include only those relevant keywords you want to target and make sure that these are included in the contents too.

Use variations of a keyword like watch, watches, wrist watch etc. They are slightly changed keywords and yet don't render any feeling to the search engine for their being repeated in the tag.

Geographical information (name of the country, city or place) may be used in the keywords. Sometimes it plays a great role when a search is made for a location based business. Or, even brand names, model name of a product can be used in this tag. That also helps when a search is made for a specific product model or brand.

Search engines give different weights to the keywords according to their positions in HTML tags used in the content. For example if a keyword is used in this tag which is present in Heading Tag also has more weight particularly when the same is in H1 tag.

Write your Alt tags of the images and the text links being used in the page such that it includes at least one keyword from the keyword tag. But, remember the same should look just relevant with the image or the hyper link for which it has been written.

The content should have included all of your keywords. The aggregate keyword density (all the keywords used in keyword tag) should be between 20% to 30% but not less than 5% to the best optimized results. However, Density for a single keyword should not be less than 2% and higher than 6%. The best is about 5% with the major keywords and 2% with subsequent keywords.

The Meta tags should be fine tuned with the contents and a good relevance is brought about between themselves with a perfect balance between the target audience and the search engines.

These Meta tags have been used really very un-carefully by the spammers, if we commit to use them methodically with the due respect, I hope, we should be able to create ever increasing web traffic on our sites.

The Meta tags should be fine tuned with the contents and a good relevance is brought about between themselves with a perfect balance between the target audience and the search engines.


seo,search engine optimization,meta tags,title tag,description tag,keyword tag,keywords,serp